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写入和读取Cookie是一种常见的功能,可惜JavaScript对此的直接支持并不算完善,下面是几个操作Cookie的函数,用起来还是蛮方便的。 // utility function to retrieve an expiration date in proper // format; pass three integer parameters for the number of days, hours, // and minutes from now you want the cookie to expire (or negative // values for a past date); all three parameters are required, // so use zeros where appropriate function getExpDate(days, hours, minutes) { } // utility function called by getCookie( ) function getCookieval_r(offset) { } // primary function to retrieve cookie by name function getCookie(name) { } // store cookie value with optional details as needed function setCookie(name, value, expires, path, domain, secure) { } // remove the cookie by setting ancient expiration date function deleteCookie(name,path,domain) { } 将上面的几个js命名为cookie.js,下面演示其基本用法 <script type="text/javascript" src="cookie.js"></script> <script type="text/javascript"> </script> Chapter 1.9 example <br> <input type="text" id="name" size="20" /> <input type="button" value="setCookie" onclick="foo()" /> <div id="show"></div> 可以同时开两个窗口看看,输入框不输入值,按按钮相当于察看当前cookie。 该文章在 2010/9/2 10:11:07 编辑过 |
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